Plant List

Trees and Palms


California bay

Botanical Name: Umbellularia californica
Plant Type: Native, Tree
Water Needs: Moderate 3
Exposure: Morning sun, Partial sun
Height: 30 ft. - 50 ft.   Width: 30 ft. - 50 ft.



Bush anemone + cv

Botanical Name: Carpenteria californica
Plant Type: Shrub, Native
Water Needs: Moderate 3
Exposure: Morning sun, Moderate shade
Height: 5 ft. - 6 ft.   Width: 6 ft. - 8 ft.

California wild rose

Botanical Name: Rosa californica
Plant Type: Shrub, Native
Water Needs: Moderate 3
Exposure: Morning sun, Moderate shade
Height: 3 ft. - 6 ft.   Width: 8 ft. - 10 ft.

Catalina Cherry

Botanical Name: Prunus ilicifolia ssp. lyonii
Plant Type: Tree, Shrub, Native
Water Needs: Low 1
Exposure: Partial sun, Morning sun, All day sun
Height: 25 ft. - 30 ft.   Width: 6 ft. - 25 ft.

Chaparral currant

Botanical Name: Ribes malvaceum
Plant Type: Shrub
Water Needs: Low 1
Exposure: Moderate shade, Partial sun
Height: 4 ft. - 6 ft.   Width: 4 ft. - 6 ft.

Coffeeberry + cultivars

Botanical Name: Rhamnus californica
Plant Type: Shrub, Native
Water Needs: Low 1
Exposure: Morning sun, All day sun, Partial sun
Height: 8 ft. - 10 ft.   Width: 8 ft. - 10 ft.

Compact Oregon grape

Botanical Name: Berberis aquifolium 'Compacta'
Plant Type: Shrub, Ground cover, Native
Water Needs: Moderate 3
Exposure: Morning sun, Moderate shade
Height: 18 in. - 24 in.   Width: 3 ft. - 5 ft.

Fragrant pitcher sage

Botanical Name: Lepechinia fragrans
Plant Type: Shrub, Native
Water Needs: Moderate 3
Exposure: Moderate shade, Partial sun
Height: 3 ft. - 5 ft.   Width: 3 ft. - 6 ft.

Fuchsia-flowered gooseberry

Botanical Name: Ribes speciosum
Plant Type: Shrub, Native
Water Needs: Moderate 3
Exposure: Morning sun, All day sun
Height: 4 ft. - 6 ft.   Width: 4 ft. - 6 ft.

Red flowering currant

Botanical Name: Ribes sanguineum var. glutinosum
Plant Type: Shrub, Native
Water Needs: Moderate 3
Exposure: Morning sun, Moderate shade, All day sun
Height: 6 ft. - 12 ft.   Width: 5 ft. - 6 ft.

Spice bush

Botanical Name: Calycanthus occidentalis
Plant Type: Shrub, Native
Water Needs: Moderate 3
Exposure: Morning sun, Moderate shade
Height: 8 ft. - 10 ft.   Width: 8 ft. - 10 ft.

Western Redbud

Botanical Name: Cercis occidentalis
Plant Type: Native, Shrub
Water Needs: Low 2
Exposure: Morning sun, Moderate shade, All day sun, Partial sun
Height: 10 ft. - 15 ft.   Width: 10 ft. - 20 ft.

Perennials and Grasses


Basket rush

Botanical Name: Juncus textilis
Plant Type: Grass, Rush, Native
Water Needs: Moderate 4
Exposure: Morning sun, Moderate shade, All day sun
Height: 2 ft. - 3 ft.   Width: 5 ft. - 6 ft.

Berkeley sedge

Botanical Name: Carex tumulicola
Plant Type: Grass, Sedge
Water Needs: Low 2
Exposure: Morning sun, Moderate shade, All day sun
Height: 1 ft. - 1.5 ft.   Width: 1.5 ft. - 3 ft.

California fescue

Botanical Name: Festuca californica
Plant Type: Grass, Native
Water Needs: Low 1
Exposure: Partial sun
Height: 1 ft. - 2 ft.   Width: 1 ft. - 2 ft.

California gray rush

Botanical Name: Juncus patens
Plant Type: Grass, Rush, Native
Water Needs: Moderate 3
Exposure: All day sun, Morning sun, Moderate shade
Height: 18 in. - 24 in.   Width: 18 in. - 24 in.

California meadow sedge

Botanical Name: Carex pansa
Plant Type: Ground cover, Grass, Sedge, Native
Water Needs: Moderate 4
Exposure: Morning sun, Moderate shade, All day sun
Height: 8 in. - 10 in.   Width: 12 in. - 24 in.

California strawberry

Botanical Name: Fragaria vesca
Plant Type: Ground cover, Perennial
Water Needs: Moderate 3
Exposure: Moderate shade, Partial sun
Height: 2 in. - 8 in.   Width: 2 ft. - 6 ft.

Common yarrow + cvs

Botanical Name: Achillea millefolium
Plant Type: Ground cover, Perennial, Native
Water Needs: Low 2
Exposure: Moderate shade, All day sun
Height: 18 in. - 30 in.   Width: 18 in. - 24 in. then slowly spreading

Coral bells

Botanical Name: Heuchera cultivars
Plant Type: Perennial, Native
Water Needs: Moderate 3
Exposure: Moderate shade, Partial sun
Height: 12 in. - 15 in.   Width: 12 in. - 15 in.

Douglas iris + cvs

Botanical Name: Iris douglasiana
Plant Type: Perennial, Native
Water Needs: Moderate 3
Exposure: Morning sun, Moderate shade
Height: 12 in. - 18 in.   Width: 12 in. - 24 in.

Fragrant pitcher sage

Botanical Name: Lepechinia fragrans
Plant Type: Shrub, Native
Water Needs: Moderate 3
Exposure: Moderate shade, Partial sun
Height: 3 ft. - 5 ft.   Width: 3 ft. - 6 ft.

Hummingbird sage

Botanical Name: Salvia spathacea
Plant Type: Perennial, Native
Water Needs: Low 1
Exposure: Moderate shade, Partial sun, Morning sun
Height: 12 in. - 18 in.   Width: 18 in. - 24 in. then slowly spreading

Island alum root

Botanical Name: Heuchera maxima
Plant Type: Perennial, Native
Water Needs: Moderate 3
Exposure: Moderate shade
Height: 12 in. - 18 in.   Width: 12 in. - 18 in.

Mexican daisy

Botanical Name: Erigeron karvinskianus
Plant Type: Ground cover, Perennial
Water Needs: Moderate 4
Exposure: Moderate shade, All day sun, Morning sun
Height: 6 in. - 15 in.   Width: 3 ft. - 4 ft.

Small cape rush

Botanical Name: Chondropetalum tectorum
Plant Type: Perennial, Rush
Water Needs: Moderate 4
Exposure: Moderate shade, All day sun
Height: 3 ft. - 4 ft.   Width: 5 ft. - 6 ft.

Ground Covers and Vines


California grape + cv

Botanical Name: Vitis californica
Plant Type: Vine, Native
Water Needs: Moderate 3
Exposure: Morning sun, Moderate shade, All day sun
Height: 30 ft. - 40 ft.   Width: 30 ft. - 40 ft.

Carmel Sur manzanita

Botanical Name: Arctostaphylos edmundsii 'Carmel Sur'
Plant Type: Shrub, Ground cover, Native
Water Needs: Low 2
Exposure: Morning sun, Moderate shade, All day sun
Height: 18 in.   Width: 7 ft. - 10 ft.

Chaparral clematis

Botanical Name: Clematis lasiantha
Plant Type: Vine
Water Needs: Low 1
Exposure: Morning sun, Partial sun
Height: 12 ft. - 18 ft.   Width: 12 ft. - 18 ft.

Compact Oregon grape

Botanical Name: Berberis aquifolium 'Compacta'
Plant Type: Shrub, Ground cover, Native
Water Needs: Moderate 3
Exposure: Morning sun, Moderate shade
Height: 18 in. - 24 in.   Width: 3 ft. - 5 ft.

Creeping barberry

Botanical Name: Berberis repens
Plant Type: Shrub, Ground cover, Native
Water Needs: Moderate 3
Exposure: Morning sun, Moderate shade
Height: 1.5 ft. - 3 ft.   Width: 2 ft. - 3 ft. then slowly spreading

Evergreen currant

Botanical Name: Ribes viburnifolium
Plant Type: Shrub, Ground cover, Native
Water Needs: Low 1
Exposure: Morning sun, Moderate shade
Height: 5 ft. - 7 ft.   Width: 5 ft. - 7 ft.

Monterey Carpet manzanita

Botanical Name: Arctostaphylos hookeri 'Monterey Carpet'
Plant Type: Ground cover, Native, Shrub
Water Needs: Low 1
Exposure: All day sun, Moderate shade, Morning sun
Height: 1 ft. - 2 ft.   Width: 8 ft. - 12 ft.