Inciensio is a fast growing shrub typically developing a mounding form, 3-5 ft. high and as wide with distinctive 3-4 in. long whitish-gray leaves. Intense displays of bright golden-yellow daisy-like flowers occur in early spring; a second flower cycle can occur in late fall following the occurrence of rain or summer irrigation.
Incienso is the most widespread species of Encelia throughout the low and high desert regions of California and the southwest. Remarkably, it grows under very harsh climate conditions, tolerating heat, aridity, wind and drought. It has proven to be quite adaptable and easy to grow in Inland Empire gardens and landscapes. Both its foliage color and bright flowering cycle make it well suited as an accent plant in southwestern style gardens. Plant it in full sun, on well drained soils, and avoid overwatering in the summer. It can be clipped in the late fall to maintain desirable size and character.