Deer grass
Plant Type: Grass, Native
Water Needs: Low 1
Exposure: All day sun
Height: 2 ft. - 4' (to 5' with flowers) Width: 4 ft. - 5 ft. (to 6 ft. with flowers)
These are some of our very favorite and very easy-to-grow California native plants.
They are all local species to inland southern California, require little water after they are established, and provide beauty and habitat for birds, butterflies, or native pollinators. Many of them are adored by all three! A couple of the listed plants are "cultivars," which mean they were selected and propagated from an individual plant of the species for a certain characteristic that makes it great to grow in a garden.
All of them are relatively easy to find at nurseries that carry California native plants (for a list of local nurseries that carry natives see our Resources page).
This list intentional includes trees, tall shrubs, medium sized shrubs, and colorful perennials. It is a great place to start for "first time" waterwise or California native gardeners.
A landscape with just these easy plants and a shaded place to enjoy it all will be easy to care for, give back to the local environment, and be more beautiful than the "conventional" landscape it may have replaced!
Feel free to toss out some native wildflower seeds into a garden of these plants in the fall to amp up your garden's spring color, providing more pollen for the pollinators and eventually seeds for the birds. To learn how, visit the Wildflowers page, found by going to the Resources tab.
Did you notice that there are actually twelve plants on this list? We couldn't help ourselves!