
Germander sage

Germander sage is a low growing perennial to 2-3 ft. tall with a spreading root habit resulting in plants reaching 3-4 ft. wide and greater. Small gray leaves contrast nicely with colorful deep powder-blue flowers in late spring and fall, and intermittently during warm months. This species is native to central Mexico’s arid climate zones […]

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French lavender + var

The French lavender grows into a dense and rounded shrub, to 3 ft. high and 3-4 ft. wide. Narrow green leaves have lobed margins that create a distinctly toothed and braided appearance. Flowers are light to medium blue-purple and develop on long stalks that extend 6-8 in. above the foliage. Best flowering begins in late

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Bladder pod is a small to medium size evergreen shrub with a mounding growth habit, 4-6 ft. tall and as wide. Foliage has pale green color and is comprised of small palmately compound leaves that release a pungent odor when crushed. Terminal clusters of dull yellow flowers provide a showy display in early spring and

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The native Chuparosa is a medium to large mounding shrub with a dense branching habit, often growing 4-6 ft. tall, 6-8 ft. wide. Tiny 1/2 in. long leaves drop during periods of moisture stress. Rich orange to red flowers are produce in abundance in early spring, much to the delight of hummingbirds. Chuparosa is native

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St. Catherine’s lace

St. Catherine’s lace buckwheat is a large evergreen shrub with a strong branching habit, capable of growing 8-10 ft. tall and as wide. Its distinctive foliage is comprised of fuzzy white to gray-green leaves. Large flat umbels of white flowers develop from late spring through summer. Mature flowers turn reddish-brown and are sometimes used in

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California buckwheat

A densely branched shrub growing 2-4 ft. high and 3-6 ft. wide. Prickly foliage is comprised of small needle-like leaves. White to light pink flowers occur in late spring; seed heads mature to deep brown by late fall and persist into winter. California buckwheat is the most wide spread species of buckwheat in California. It

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Trailing indigo bush

The trailing indigo bush is a low growing evergreen shrub, 12-18 in. high, spreading 5-10 ft. wide. Dense silvery green foliage is comprised of pinnately divided leaves; numerous heads of purple flowers provide modest accent value in early spring to summer. This species is native to southern Texas, New Mexico, Arizona and Mexico where it

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Chaparral Yucca

Chaparral Yucca is a striking rosette-shaped perennial with stiff and sharply pointed gray-green leaves, growing with a spherical shape 3-4 ft. tall and 6 ft wide. Dramatic floral displays are produced by mature plants from late spring into summer, consisting of hundreds of fragrant small white flowers displayed on the top of 6-12 ft. tall

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Douglas iris + cvs

The Douglas iris is one of the most appealing flowering perennials for use in the Western Sycamore Palette. It is a small clumping perennial with strap-like leaves, growing 12-18 in. high and spreading by rhizomes to form clumps 1-2 ft. across. Flowers are most commonly blue-purple, can reach 4 in. across and are showy in

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Sea lavender

Sea lavender is a popular flowering accent plant due to its striking purple flowers and long springtime flowering season. It is a small clumping perennial with large deep green lettuce-like leaves; flower stalks can grow to over 2 ft. tall. When grown in the Inland Empire it does best with moderate amounts of supplemental water,

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