St. Catherine’s lace buckwheat is a large evergreen shrub with a strong branching habit, capable of growing 8-10 ft. tall and as wide. Its distinctive foliage is comprised of fuzzy white to gray-green leaves. Large flat umbels of white flowers develop from late spring through summer. Mature flowers turn reddish-brown and are sometimes used in dry arrangements.
Saint Catherine’s lace is a member of the coastal sage and chaparral plant communities located on Santa Catalina and San Clemente Islands. It has shown good adapted to many soils, including clay and calcareous types, and adapts well to all parts of the Inland Empire. It needs good drainage and easily grows with normal winter rains and monthly summer watering. This species can be pruned as it matures to reveal interesting branch character and be grown on banks, in raised planters and as a foliage and flowering character plant in California native garden plantings.