
Desert mint

The Desert mint is a sprawling perennial herb that is mostly native to sagebrush scrub, yellow pine forest and lodgepole pine forest plant communities of California. It has distinctive whorl-like flowers ranging in color from white to purple; long leaves and highly fragrant foliage when crushed. Like most perennial plants, this species can be grown […]

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Fragrant pitcher sage

Known as the Fragrant pitcher sage, this rambling perennial is a top choice for shady areas among other California natives and to attract hummingbirds. It grows up to 3-5 ft. tall and 3-6 ft. wide, is covered with fine hairs for a fuzzy character, and produces colorful dark to light purple flowers in the spring.

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Purple lavandin

Purple lavandin is a group of robust lavender hybrid cultivars that produce a very striking flower display each spring. As a shrub, it grows 3-4 ft. high and as wide. It has narrow bright green leaves and stems; sweeping masses of purple flowers grow on long stems that lay over in a sprawling manner on

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Hayes iva, Poverty weed

Hayes Iva, also known as San Diego marsh elder, is an evergreen shrub with a naturally sprawling habit with branches extending to 2 – 3 ft. tall and plants reaching 4 – 5 ft. wide. It is characterized by pale green leaves and spikes covered with tiny yellow flowers during spring. Hayes Iva is a

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Sweet lavender

Sweet lavender is a hybrid lavender selection that grows into mound-shaped shrubs, 3-4 ft. high and 4-5 ft. wide. It has narrow pale green leaves to 1 in. long; flowers are dark blue-purple, grow in whorl-type clusters on 3-4 in. long spikes above the foliage. Flowering is heaviest in spring, but also occurs intermittently throughout

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Cliff buckwheat

Cliff buckwheat is a small evergreen shrub growing to 2 ft. tall and 3 ft. wide. It naturally occurs along the coastal buffs and foothills in sunny exposures in the sage scrub and chaparral plant communities. During early spring, this species produces an intensive display of light pink flowers that cover the plant in a

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Citrus species + cvs

Citrus have been in cultivation for centuries and are widely planted throughout mild and warm climate regions of the world. Both flowers and fruit are valued in landscapes and gardens; flowers provide a sweet spring-time fragrance and fruit are valued for eating and in juice production. Their long history of cultivation has led to many

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Common yarrow + cvs

The Common yarrow is a clumping perennial that can grow 18-30 in. tall and quickly to 24 in. wide, then slowly spreading. Foliage is comprised of finely divided medium green leaves; white flowers occur in spring. It is a highly adaptable plant for mixed flower gardens, on banks, in bioswales, and around boulders in residential

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California bay

A medium to large size native tree that is best known by its dense and highly aromatic foliage. California bay grows in an upright manner, 30-50 ft. tall; dark green leathery leaves grow 1-4 in. long, with smooth margins and a pointed apex. Clusters of tiny pale yellow flowers develop during winter; few olive-like fruit

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Yellow bells + cv

A large mounding evergreen shrub that quickly grows 10-15 ft. tall, and that can eventually grow into a small tree to 25 ft. high. Bright green pinnately divided leaves have 5-7 leaflets with coarsely toothed margins. Showy bright yellow trumpet-shaped flowers occur in large clusters during spring and intermittently through summer. Long cylindrical seed pods

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