There are now many exciting cultivars of the Mediterranean rosemary to be found in nurseries and garden centers. R. o. ‘Prostratus’ has been in the trade for many decades and has proven to be tough and reliable under many landscape conditions. This cultivar is a low growing evergreen shrub with a dense foliage habit; it can mound to 24 in. tall and spread 5-6 ft. wide. Its foliage is comprised of narrow needle-like leaves that are deep green above and whitish below. Attractive small pale blue flowers occur in late winter and intermittently throughout the year. Foliage is valued as a food seasoning and contains oils that are used in perfumes, lotions and soaps; flowers attract birds and bees.
Prostrate rosemary is well suited for ground cover plantings on slopes and banks of all sizes, as well as in containers, drought tolerant gardens and along garden borders. It does best in well-drained soils and full sun, and tolerates cold temperatures to 15°F. In many landscape situations this plant is sheared and trimmed to create flowing shapes and maintain appropriate size. These adaptations make it well suited for all part of the Inland Empire.