The Chinese pistache grows into a medium size deciduous tree with a round dome habit and typically reaching 25-35 ft. tall and as wide. Some older specimens can even reach up to 50-60 ft. tall. Foliage is comprised of pinnately divided leaves with 6-7 pairs of 2-2 1/2 in. long leaflets. Leaves turn bright orange-red and yellow with cool fall temperatures for a very showy display. A dioecious species that produces loose panicles of inconspicuous small flowers; female flowers can develop showy dark red berries that are visible after leaves fall.
Chinese pistache is native to cool and moist climate zones of central and western China and grows best in Inland Valley landscapes and gardens in loam soils, full sun and with regular moisture throughout the year. It is widely planted as a shade tree in residential gardens, as a street tree and for park landscapes. Overall, it has proven to be a tough tree that can endure lots of sun and heat and short periods of moisture stress.