
Flapjack plant

Kalanchoes comprise a diverse group of succulent perennials, shrubs, climbers and small trees, including about 130 species mostly from dry subtropical and coastal climates of South Africa and Madagascar. Several species and hybrids are grown in Inland Empire gardens where they add interest with their colorful foliage and flowering. They are well suited to rock […]

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Blue rose echeveria

Blue rose echeveria is densely clumping species that forms large groupings comprised of many plants that can spread 2-4 ft. wide. Thin gray-green leaves are closely cupped together, have a pointed apex and orange tinged margins. Colorful orange-red and yellow flowers develop on lax stems in spring. This is one of the most popular and

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Aloe vera

Aloe vera is known worldwide for its healing and soothing properties in salves, creams, and shampoo. It is an attractive clumping species that grows 18-24 in. tall with long pale green leaves that have toothed margins. It develops a distinctive upright habit. Colorful light to deep yellow flowers develop high above the foliage on branched

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Creeping rosemary

There are now many exciting cultivars of the Mediterranean rosemary to be found in nurseries and garden centers. R. o. ‘Prostratus’ has been in the trade for many decades and has proven to be tough and reliable under many landscape conditions. This cultivar is a low growing evergreen shrub with a dense foliage habit; it

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Orange bulbine

The Orange bulbine is a small succulent perennial with a clumping habit to 15-18 in. tall, that can spread 6-8 ft. across. It is characterized by medium green cylindrical leaves, and colorful orange star-shaped flowers that bloom on 18-24 in. tall stems in late spring and again in the fall. This refreshing succulent is good

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Mexican bush sage + cvs

The Mexican bush sage is one of the top flowering garden shrubs in landscapes and gardens across the Inland Empire. It is a medium size mounding shrub comprised of numerous basal stems growing quickly to 3-5 ft. high and 4-6 ft. wide. Foliage is comprised of long and narrow leaves, 3-6 in. long, 1/2 in.

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Lindheimer’s muhly

Lindheimer’s muhly is a soft textured species with narrow semi-evergreen leaves that are medium green in color and provide a soft and relaxed character in garden settings. It is native to Texas and Mexico and, like other muhly grasses, has proven to be highly adaptable to garden conditions. Foliage grows 2-3 ft. tall; flower panicles

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Autumn sage + cvs

  The autumn sage is a evergreen shrub that grows with a mounding habit, 2-4 ft. tall and 4 ft. wide. Deep green leaves grow to 1 in. long and have a light resinous coating on their surface. Colorful flowers are most often cardinal-red and highly attractive to hummingbirds. Flowering occurs spring, fall and intermittently

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Rosemary + cvs

The common rosemary is a large evergreen shrub growing with upward growing branches and dense needle-like leaves. Mature and unclipped plants can reach 6-8 ft. high and spread 10-12 ft. across. These leaves are deep green above and whitish below. Showy clusters of small medium blue flowers occur in late winter and intermittently throughout the

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Dwarf myrtle

Please note: For most situations, we would not recommend installing this plant in new gardens, landscapes, or plantings in southern California. Dwarf myrtle was long used in the region as a common plant for formally clipped hedges, which require massive amounts of work to maintain. We usually recommend considering a looser, less formal hedge using

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