The Desert marigold is a small and colorful herbaceous perennial with a low and spreading habit, growing 12-18 in. tall, 24-30 in. across. Silvery gray-green foliage is comprised of small deeply lobed leaves that are covered with fine woolly hairs. Bright and colorful daisy-like deep yellow flowers grow on tall stems and occur from late winter and intermittently through summer.
Desert marigold is native to arid regions of northern Mexico and the southwest United States where it is noted in seasonal wildflower displays. It commonly grows along washes, roadsides and on rocky slopes, and does best where moisture from seasonal rainfall collects. In Inland Empire gardens it is a colorful flowering accent plant that is used southwestern style gardens along walkways, around rocks and in wildflower plantings. It is adapted to full sun, heat and aridity, and grows best for 3-5 years.