In recent years, the Coral aloe has become the most popular aloe in Inland Empire gardens, however it has also been struggling in many local gardens with an insect pest called aloe mite. While they look different, aloe vera and Blue Elf aloe are popular alternative choices that do not seem to have issues with aloe mite.
Coral aloe attractive species that grows as a solitary plant to 1-2 ft. in size. Long, tapered and pale green leaves have distinctive parallel veins and smooth orange margins. Dense clusters of colorful coral to deep orange flowers occur for many weeks during winter and early spring on branched panicles 24-30 in. tall.
Coral aloe is cold tolerant to 24°F, it can be planted in sunny to partial shade garden locations. It can be grown in pots, around rocks, on banks and raised planters where it provides flowering character and attracts hummingbirds.