The Common yarrow is a clumping perennial that can grow 18-30 in. tall and quickly to 24 in. wide, then slowly spreading. Foliage is comprised of finely divided medium green leaves; white flowers occur in spring. It is a highly adaptable plant for mixed flower gardens, on banks, in bioswales, and around boulders in residential gardens and commercial landscapes.
Several cultivars of Common yarrow are available from nurseries and garden centers on a seasonal basis. Some of these include: A. m. ‘Cameo’ has salmon flowers; A. m. ‘Cerise Queen’ has deep magenta flowers; A. m. ‘Island Pink’ is native to offshore islands and has soft magenta-pink flowers; A. m. ‘Lavender Beauty’ has soft lavender and white flowers; and A. m. ‘Paprika’ has red flowers with yellow centers. The white flowering species is also grown as a substitute for turf grass where it can be maintained with as few as 6-8 mowings each year and with low amounts of water during summer.