Plant List



Berkeley sedge

Botanical Name: Carex tumulicola
Plant Type: Grass, Sedge
Water Needs: Low 2
Exposure: Morning sun, Moderate shade, All day sun
Height: 1 ft. - 1.5 ft.   Width: 1.5 ft. - 3 ft.

Canyon Prince Wild rye

Botanical Name: Leymus condensatus 'Canyon Prince'
Plant Type: Grass, Native
Water Needs: Low 1
Exposure: All day sun
Height: 4 ft. - 5 ft.   Width: 4 ft. - 5 ft.

Deer grass

Botanical Name: Muhlenbergia rigens
Plant Type: Grass, Native
Water Needs: Low 1
Exposure: All day sun
Height: 2 ft. - 4' (to 5' with flowers)   Width: 4 ft. - 5 ft. (to 6 ft. with flowers)



Common yarrow + cvs

Botanical Name: Achillea millefolium
Plant Type: Perennial, Native, Ground cover
Water Needs: Low 2
Exposure: Moderate shade, All day sun
Height: 18 in. - 30 in.   Width: 18 in. - 24 in. then slowly spreading

Showy penstemon

Botanical Name: Penstemon spectabilis
Plant Type: Perennial, Native
Water Needs: Low 1
Exposure: All day sun
Height: 1.5 ft. (3 ft. while flowering) - 2 ft. (5 ft. while flowering)   Width: 2 ft. - 4 ft.

Silver carpet aster

Botanical Name: Lessingia filaginifolia 'Silver Carpet'
Plant Type: Ground cover, Perennial
Water Needs: Low 2
Exposure: All day sun
Height: 4 in.   Width: 2 ft. - 3 ft.

Small cape rush

Botanical Name: Chondropetalum tectorum
Plant Type: Perennial, Rush
Water Needs: Moderate 4
Exposure: All day sun, Moderate shade
Height: 3 ft. - 4 ft.   Width: 5 ft. - 6 ft.