The Date palm is widely recognized for its edible date-type fruit and stately growth habit. This species commonly grows 50-60 ft. tall with long feather-type fronds. These fronds are pale gray-green, 15-20 ft. long and develop an upward arching habit. Colorful orange inflorescences develop below the fronds; fruit begins to develop in spring and ripens by mid winter.
Date palm is native to arid regions of North Africa and are often found growing in sandy soils around oases and seasonal water courses. This species and several improved fruiting varieties have been cultivated for centuries and are an important food and economic resource in the Middle East and Africa. The popularity of date palm has led to its widespread planting in many commercial and some residential landscapes. It is valued for plaza and street tree uses, as well as in courtyards and raised planters.
The Date palm grows best in warm climate zones and is highly tolerant of heat, aridity and wind. Regular summer moisture is needed for best fruit production; trees in urban landscapes can adapt to drier conditions. It is an iconic symbol of the southwestern garden style.