The pink melaleuca grows into large shrub to small tree, 10-18 ft. high, 15-20 ft. wide, often growing with a sprawling habit. Branching develops an interesting twisted character and is covered with light colored papery bark. Medium green leaves are elliptical, to 1 in. long; showy white to pink flowers occur in clusters during early summer.
Pink melaleuca is found on the islands off Western Australia on sandy soils and in areas exposed to salt spray and wind. In these habitats it is adapted to moist winter and dry summer conditions; in cultivation it responds well to regular moisture. Across the Inland Empire it has proven to be tolerant of many soils and grows well with low amounts of supplemental moisture. It is a versatile plant that is most useful on slopes, banks, and for screens. While this species can be sheared into a hedge, it is better suited to become a special interest plant in gardens when selective pruning reveals its twisting branches and unique bark character.