English lavenders are among the most popular garden plants of all time that are valued for their flower color and foliage fragrance and oils. This species grows into round shrub, 2-3 ft. high and as wide. It has narrow bluish gray-green leaves to 1 in. long that have smooth margins and are held upright. Flowers are light to medium purple, grow on 3-4 in. long spikes and are held on unbranched stalks 24-36 in. above the foliage in late spring to mid summer.
English lavender are available in many variations; close to 100 cultivars have been developed from this species and availability varies from nursery to nursery. L. a ‘Hidcote’ is a long-time favorite with its compact size and deep purple-blue flowers. It is an essential part of Mediterranean style gardens and is used in containers, along borders and walks, and in mixed perennial plantings.