The Chinese flame tree develops into a medium to large size deciduous tree with a broad canopy shape, 25-45 ft. high and as wide. Foliage consists of 12-18 in. long bipinnately divided leaves comprised of 6-10 pairs of serrated leaflets, each growing 2-4 in. long. Large numbers of tiny yellow flowers grow on 12-18 in. long terminal racemes for a colorful display in late summer. Flowers are replaced by large papery seed capsules that range in color from pale salmon to pink-red. Seed capsules provide good color value on the tree through late fall.
Chinese flame tree is a popular lawn and garden tree in the Inland Empire where it tolerates heat, sun and winter temperatures below 20°F. It is a moderate to fast growing species that is planted in parks, as street trees and in residential gardens. This tree grows best in loam type soils with deep watering.