The Hopseed bush is one of the most popular screen plant choices for use in the Inland Empire. It has an evergreen habit and can be grown as large shrubs or small trees, reaching heights of 12-18 ft. while spreading 6-12 ft. wide. Foliage is comprised of long narrow leaves, 3-4 in. long, to 1/2 in. wide. Flowers are inconspicuous, but large numbers of pinkish seed capsules provide accent character in spring.
Hopseed bush is a tough and adaptable plant that tolerates heat, cold, and many types of soils. It can be grown throughout the Inland Empire where it is valued for its rapid growth rate. It can be clipped or trained into a low branched tree and is widely used as a screen and slope plant. The purple leaved cultivar, D. viscose ‘Purpurea’ is the most popular choice for gardens and landscapes due to its rich burgundy-purple foliage. These plants can be relatively short-lived, 10-15 years in some instances, particularly if overwatered.