The California glory flannel bush is the most spectacular flowering shrubs among our cultivated garden plants. As seen in the images, the springtime flowering cycle covers the stems and branches with an abundant display of large star shaped yellow flowers. This cultivar grows very fast and develops an upright form when young, 15-20 ft. tall, and as wide. Leaves grow 1-2 in. across with 3 round lobes. Flowers are clear yellow above, rusty brown below.
This popular flannel bush cultivar is best suited to dry garden zones in combination with other drought adapted native plants. Experience has shown that it grows well with normal winter rains in the Inland Empire and should not receive summer water due to disease issues. A combination of sunny exposures and good drainage is also essential for survival and success. It is not unusual for this cultivar to live 6-8 years before dying, however, many people value them in spite of these challenges. Plant them on slopes in background areas and in where there is sufficient space to accommodate their robust size.