Top 3 Reasons to Plant a California Native or Waterwise Garden
Lawns are boring
Provide homes & food for butterflies, songbirds, and more
Use 1/3 of the water a lawn requires (or less)
Explore popular plant lists

California Native Plants
California’s native flora is widely celebrated and renowned for its abundance and diversity.
See plant list
Plants for Slopes
Slope planting can be highly attractive while controlling soil erosion, reducing water needs and limiting overall maintenance needs.
See plant list
Hedges and Screens
Enclose and define the boundaries of outdoor gardens and spaces by planting hedges and screens.
See plant list
Agave, Aloe, Cacti & Succulents
A remarkable variety of agaves, cacti and succulents are grown in Inland Empire gardens and landscapes where they are valued in many roles.
See plant list
Low Maintenance Plants
The plants included on this list are among the many choices that can grow will relatively little assistance or care after they are established.
See plant listGet custom plant recommendations for your space
Bird & Wildlife plants
+219 plants
California Native Plants
+114 plants
Plants for clay soil
+183 plants
Start your own Garden Design today

Step #1
Set your goals

Step #2
Assess your space

Step #3